Anthoula Wojczak

I am a software developer in Austin, Texas.


Anthoula is a software engineer and designer living in Austin. She enjoys creating beautiful, data-driven, user experiences. For over 10 years, she has applied creativity, knowledge of color theory and design principles to a career in software development and UI design. She has experience with SaaS companies, advertising agencies, in-house marketing teams, and freelance. She has a strong background in UI/UX design and graphic design, and is passionate about evolving technology.

Web Skills

Software development with strong front-end skills. Integration with APIs for dynamic builds. Standards compliant and semantic code. Responsive UI/UX design.


HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and ActionScript 3.0

Libraries and Frameworks

jQuery, Underscore, RequireJS, Backbone, Bootstrap, Boilerplate, Sass, Less, Grunt

CMS Development

WordPress, Thismoment DEC 4

Print Skills

Strong focus on grid design and beautiful typography.


• Fluent in Mac environments.
• Adobe: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Flash
• Text editor: Sublime Text, Vim
• Version control: Git, Subversion

Things I’m Learning Right Now

Full-stack engineering with PHP and API development